No child while enrolled in Quality time childcare centre while under the supervision or care of staff will be:
Unacceptable behavior (like hitting, biting, pushing, throwing things, Kicking) during Preschool time will be discussed calmly with the individual child and the child will be made aware that his/her behavior was unacceptable. The unacceptable behavior will be explained to the child in a positive manner. Children are treated with courtesy, respect, and patience. Activities within the program are monitored and adjusted accordingly to promote ongoing development. Positive guidance techniques are used to encourage appropriate behavior.
They include:
When inappropriate behavior occurs( like, nose picking, lifting clothing, spitting, putting fingers in the mouth, licking things, picking scabs, touching other people in appropriate way) Staff will use age/ developmentally appropriate measures:
In case of repeated incidences of inappropriate behavior, parents of the child will be notified. All the incidents will be documented in the communication book with date and time. Parents will be notified time to time about the behavior of child. Staff and parents will work together to encourage appropriate behavior. If after a discussion with the family, a child’s behavior still poses risk to itself and children around it, the parents may be asked immediately withdraw the child from the centre and the care can be terminated without any notice.
Minor incident log book will be used to document the behavior concerns of children and if needed reportable incident form will be used. All the parents and staff are provided with the copy of policy on behavioral guidance.
At Quality time childcare centre we value the importance of active and outdoor play. Active play is important in all areas of the learning domain. Active play for one hour is incorporated into our daily program, utilizing both inside and outside settings as children develop controlled muscle movement through certain play activities.
Proper outside attire is essential for a positive play experience for your child’s time outside, please bring: For Fall and Winter, please ensure they have all lined and waterproof materials, (cloth mittens or sweaters for example will be easily soaked). For Spring and Summer, each child is required to wear a hat, rain boots and a light sweater. Please do NOT send:, Flip flops, tie-up shoes, overalls, tight jeans with belts, hard to do buttons and snaps that children can’t handle alone. Children take pride in being able to care for themselves and it will increase their independence during washroom routines.
Because we care about the health and well being of the children in our care, we follow the Director of Licensing standard of practice recommendations on Screen Time (which is 30min per day for preschool age children). Children under 2 should have no screen time
Children age 2 and over should watch less than 30 minutes per of screen time could be provided for educational purposes or sometimes for music and movement. Most of the time CD players will be used in classrooms
Any late fees or NSF cheques will result in a $50 charge. Consistent late fees or NSF cheques will result in dismissal from the program. Fees must be paid in FULL PRIOR to program start date.
In order to hold your child’s space, fees are charged during any period of absence (i.e. vacation, illness) and including statutory holidays and Christmas. If affordable childcare benefits would take more than 4 weeks, parents are obliged to pay immediately, however once the affordable childcare benefits pays the centre we will refund you the paid amount less the parent portion.
Withdrawal from Quality time childcare centre requires one month written notice or payment will be required if one months notice is not given. After completion of withdrawal post-dated cheques will be returned.
If a child has been ill and requires prescription medication while at the childcare centre, the following steps must be taken upon arrival:
THIS CENTRE DOES NOT ADMINISTER OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION THAT IS NOT PRESCRIPTION.( IE. TYLONOL, BENADRYL) If a child requires these medications, they are too ill to participate in the program and must be kept home to ensure the health and safety of the other children and staff
Each Child is required to have a complete copy of their personal immunization record on file, which needs to be kept up to date. If parents have chosen not to immunize their child, then a written statement will also be required to have on file. If there is a communicable disease outbreak, all parents will be notified immediately.
All parents are required to sign their child in when arriving and out at time of departure.