Health and Safaety

Health, Illness and Medication Procedure

  • Require educators, children, and others to wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately upon entering the facility. Keep hand sanitizer out of the reach of children and supervise its use.
  • Require workers to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:
    • When they arrive at the workplace and before they go home
    • Before and after handling food (raw, cooked or pre-packaged), preparing bottles or feeding children
    • Before and after giving or applying medication or ointment to a child or self
    • After assisting a child to use the toilet
    • After using the toilet
    • After contact with body fluids (e.g., runny noses, spit, vomit, blood)
    • Before donning and after doffing personal protective equipment
    • After cleaning tasks
    • After handling garbage
    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty
    • Support children to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, including:
    • When they arrive at the workplace and before they go home
    • Before and after eating and drinking
    • After a diaper change
    • After using the toilet
    • After playing outside
    • After handling pets and animals
    • After sneezing or coughing
    • Whenever hands are visibly dirty
    • Cough or sneeze into their elbow sleeve or a tissue.

Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene. Cleaning and sanitizing of toys, bathroom and kitchen, furniture will be done at the end of the day. Hand Sanitizers will be used when hand washing is not possible like during walks or outside time.

Please do not bring your child to the centre when they:

  • have a runny nose, cough and sneezes
  • have diarrhea
  • are vomiting
  • have a fever
  • have an undiagnosed rash
  • have a communicable disease

If your child becomes ill at the daycare, we will notify you immediately to come and pick him/her up.

Mention that depending on symptoms and illness, a doctor’s note may be required before the child is able to return to daycare. Child should be symptom free for 24hrs before returns to the daycare. When a child has contacted a communicable disease, the parents are required to provide a statement from the physician stating that the child is able to return and is no longer infectious.

If child has been diagnosed with an anaphylactic allergy, Parents have the responsibility to provide a written detailed care action plan for your child. The plan will be put in your child’s file and posted for staff to be aware and prepared for such an occurrence. Allergies will be posted in the kitchen for the staff to see and remember. If the child needs to carry an Epipen, we will need an Epipen in the centre at all times. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the Epipen that is not expired. In the case of anaphylaxis, Staff will follow the child’s care plan and precede with the Medical Emergency Policy steps. Please be sure your file is up to date so we can reach you if necessary.

Earthquake and Fire Drills

Quality time childcare centre will routinely practice Earthquake and Fire drills. In case of a fire or other life threatening emergency in the facility:

  • Immediately alert all occupants by shouting. . . FIRE! FIRE! FIRE (or sounding the fire alarm system if one exists)
  • Immediately evacuate the children and staff from the building by the nearest exit, shutting all doors behind you.
  • Gather at your predetermined meeting location, well away from the building and conduct a roll call.
  • Notify the Fire Department from this safe location. TELEPHONE 9-1-1
  • If you are qualified – you may attempt to control the fire with a fire extinguisher, but only after initiating evacuation procedures and calling the fire department. If you cannot control the fire try to isolate it by closing all doors
  • Do not go back into the building for any reason until the “all-clear” has been given by the Fire Dept.
  • Provide information to the fire department on their arrival
  • We have emergency supplies locate in the kitchen and out-of-region contact number is 01191 97799 00223.
  • At Quality time childcare centre, we practice planned monthly fire drills. The procedure is as follows:
  • Everyone must remain calm and staff is to gather up the children and exit the building through the back yard door, unless it is blocked by fire. Staff members must take the sign in sheet and emergency backpack when leaving the building. During a practice, the children must be gathered and counted in the back parking lot.
  • In the event of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, children are to be told to get under the nearest table immediately. Once all children are safe, staff must also join them. Count to sixty. Determine the safest route of escape if necessary. If premises are unsafe, the children must be brought to Johan Maclure elementary school 2990 Oriole Cre Abbotsford, V2T4E1(6048536450). Staff will take emergency bag and emergency kit during evacuation.

Get In Touch

Cruickshank Street
Abbotsford BC
V2T 5E7

Phone: +1 778-551-3099
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